Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WOW! Did the whole 2008 year just go by like a flash or what? There is so much that I am thankful for and blessed to have, do, and see. I am definately continuing to put God first in my life and everything else will always fall into place as it always has. I wish you a blessed and prosperous New Year from Me to You!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Single Ladies/Men?

WOW, He's dancing better than some Chicks!! I love Beyonce' and for him to replicate those moves like that...WOW, I give him props!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday Thirteen!

Thirteen Things about My Day

1. My President is Black!
2. Even though I don't wear it everyday. I'm trying this new makeup and it works great, compliments of AVON!
3. Hello Direct Deposit Thursday!
4. Survivor and CSI tonight.
5. Thoughts of tomorrow being Friday is always great!
6. Discovered this great website to watch any movie or TV show online for free, and absolutely no download is needed. I Just watched The Secret Life of Bees
7. I love my job! I love my job! I love my job! (no sarcasm intended, I really do love it!) :)
8. *Exclusive* The new Beyonce' Album (release date 11/18/2008) is OFF THA CHAIN! It's great having a D.J. as My Man :P.
9. another *Exclusive* the new Tpain Album (also coming soon) is pretty HOTT too.
10. MMM MMM good, Sonny's pulled chicken with sweet BBQ sauce all you can eat for dinner tonight.
11. It's another day that I'm healthy and living, can't complain about that!
12. Love is a wonderful thing.
13. Oh and did I President is Black!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Meet the President of the United States and the 1st Family

History has officially been made!
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending!"

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." I continue to pray for a change!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall Y'all

It's Fall and I love it! If you are from or living in the South you know what I mean. The colors of the leaves, the cool brisk weather, and the smell of apple pie baking in momma's kitchen. Not to mention the other yummy goodies like sweet potato pie and pound cake...umm, somebody's got a sweet tooth :). I can almost taste it!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Weekend Outing

Good times...I took my mom and cousin to Carowinds on Memorial weekend. We had a good time. My mom really enjoyed the "Joy Fest" concert where several of her favorite Gospel artists were there. Janelle, my cousin, and I enjoyed the rides. This video is just a clip of us in one of the lines there at the Action Theater. Also pictures of us, we were having too much fun!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tatted up

WOW, I never thought I'd actually do it, but I've always wanted one. I love it and it really represents what I love. Cats! Something that you're going to have for life should be something that you love and don't mind looking at everyday right?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Jazzin on the Lake

What a wonderful time KL, Karen, and myself had Jazzin on the Lake Yacht cruise of Lake Norman this Sunday. The weather was a nice. The artist that perfomed was Steve Cole, a saxophonist. It was very nice weather, and atmosphere. I would do it again! We got a chance to see the wonderful estates on the Lake and meet new people on the yatch. It was real laid back for those that love Jazz, or just cruisin on the lake mixing and mingling. Hope you enjoy the slide show.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Officially a Rider

Yes, if you didn't know, now you know. This weekend was awesome! My mother and I took a motorcycle class to learn the basics, safety and to of course have fun. The course was offered in Myrtle Beach and we rode pretty much the whole weekend and took a field test and written test and PASSED! Now I'm on the road to purchasing my first bike, who knows you may see me riding out! Bikes are fun, however everyone should remember to be safe and alert. Have fun!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Our First Vacation

The Game


I started officially playing pool in February, 2008 with a league of players out of Charlotte NC "8 Ball Express". Of course as a beginner, but gradually progressing. Playing with a league is something that I've NEVER thought about doing until I learned that it was for a wide range of players from Beginner to intermediate. I would say there are some experts on the teams as well, but it's an excellent way to learn. I love it! My league plays every Wednesday night at a select of different billiards. maybe you'll see me around!

The Profession

I begin.....
with work for the day. Currently I am have a wonderful profession as a Technical Trainer for a software development company in Charlotte, NC. I enjoy this part of my walk of life because it entails doing things that I enjoy. I was previously a 5th grade teacher in South Carolina and decided to continue my education in the technical field receiving my masters in IT Management (Informational Technology). That was one of the best decisions I 've made, not to mention being able to smoothly transition to teaching adults instead of kids with incorporating another love of mine, computers! No matter what or who I'm teaching. Teaching will always been in my blood. I love it and wouldn't have it any other way!

Everything Happens for a Reason!

I must start this blog with another one of my quotes that I like to use. "Everything Happens for a reason." Whether you are looking for it or not. It will happen if it is meant to happen. I truly believe that. I have been currently dating my boo, K.L. now for about 2 years. However we've known each other for about 7 years. We started off just good friends and it blossomed from there. We know each other's in's and out's it's nice to know that we are there for each other no matter what happens in life. Love is a beautiful thing!