Thirteen Things about My Day
1. My President is Black!
2. Even though I don't wear it everyday. I'm trying this new makeup and it works great, compliments of AVON!
3. Hello Direct Deposit Thursday!
4. Survivor and CSI tonight.
5. Thoughts of tomorrow being Friday is always great!
6. Discovered this great website to watch any movie or TV show online for free, and absolutely no download is needed. I Just watched
The Secret Life of Bees
7. I love my job! I love my job! I love my job! (no sarcasm intended, I really do love it!) :)
8. *Exclusive* The new Beyonce' Album (release date 11/18/2008) is OFF THA CHAIN! It's great having a D.J. as My Man :P.
9. another *Exclusive* the new Tpain Album (also coming soon) is pretty HOTT too.
10. MMM MMM good, Sonny's pulled chicken with sweet BBQ sauce all you can eat for dinner tonight.
11. It's another day that I'm healthy and living, can't complain about that!
12. Love is a wonderful thing.
13. Oh and did I President is Black!